thanx for a entertaining few weeks every one that posted episodes. I cant wait to see the conclusion of it all in season 8 and hopefully wat were all been waiting for clark's maden flight lol
Hey everyone just me again to say that there is to go to to search for the smallville episodes. Some have subtitles ect... but if your a fan and havn't seen the final episodes of season seven you can find them all on this site. The site is also in japanese but you can search smallville in english and have the episodes come up!!! Happy Hunting!!!!
Oh and I know that everyone probably likes ossip girl and the likes of that so those episodes can also be found on the and the sites!!!
I have just watched all the Smallville episodes from season 1-7 as well as Episode 1 of season 8. Season 8 looks to be one of the best seasons yet! It was a shame that it was only a single episode and not a double, as most shows do for season premiers.