Hey thanks, when was the last time you visited my website cause all the links have been working for a while now, only when I first opened it it wasnt cause I hadn't finished it yet.
Not to say that this website is any where near finished I still want to put in cool character bioses and more games (better trivia version, the current one is crap)
Hey guys I would love to hear ur comments on ym website. Plus, if you have any info post it here!! hope to see these forums come alive.-- Edited by Peter at 21:03, 2006-01-17 -- Edited by Peter at 21:04, 2006-01-17
I can't believe i'm absolutely hooked on this show. My husband calls it 'poxville' and laughs at me cos I am almost religious about watching it. (I'm 40yrs old). I was freaking that it wasnt' on tonight (29/6) so i thought i'd check it out on the internet and VOILA there is the info i was after. ITS COMING BACK ON. I was stoked channel 10 continued into the rating season and I'll be very sad when it finishes. Thanx for your website, I can now keep up with what's happening with the show. Melissa