HEEY ummm u guys mite think im a loser....BUT i actually tried to get kristin kreuk to be my partner for my formal this year!!!
UNFORTANETLY it didnt happen
after posting 6 letters which expose the reason why i wanted her 2 come over....i get nothing in return..... IT SUCKED...i even sent it to the right addresss....somewhere in vancouver...all i got were 5 rejection letters.... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER LETTER????
sooo im cut deeep about it
just thought it would be funny 2 bring it up!!!
i got my hopes up for nothing :(:(:(
i started posting the letters lyk a year before tooo!!!!
i had all these dreams about it BUT she let me down....
BUT hey i still love her...because she is proabably busy wid other stuff.....
i think.....
Kristin Kreuk FANATIC!!! Its an Obsession an Addiction put simply...AN INFATUATION!!!
HEEY ummm u guys mite think im a loser....BUT i actually tried to get kristin kreuk to be my partner for my formal this year!!!
UNFORTANETLY it didnt happen
after posting 6 letters which expose the reason why i wanted her 2 come over....i get nothing in return..... IT SUCKED...i even sent it to the right addresss....somewhere in vancouver...all i got were 5 rejection letters.... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER LETTER????
sooo im cut deeep about it
just thought it would be funny 2 bring it up!!!
i got my hopes up for nothing :(:(:(
i started posting the letters lyk a year before tooo!!!!
i had all these dreams about it BUT she let me down....
BUT hey i still love her...because she is proabably busy wid other stuff.....
i think.....
I'm impressed! I don't think I could've handled 5 rejection letters
I guess your love for Kristin is stronger than I thought.. Ive got my work cut out for me on this battle...
Tough break on the rejection letters mate, but hey there's still that one letter. You never know?
Amazing. Kristin Kreuk Addict.
My forum: http://twssthatswhatshesaid.proboards.com
I'm impressed! I don't think I could've handled 5 rejection letters
I guess your love for Kristin is stronger than I thought.. Ive got my work cut out for me on this battle...
Tough break on the rejection letters mate, but hey there's still that one letter. You never know?
i still do wonder where that letter turned up.... did it ever reach her??? maybe it did but who has it??? kristin kreuk?? or maybe her sister justine??? OMG this is just tooo surreal to even comprehend and ponder such a thing!!!!
Kristin Kreuk FANATIC!!! Its an Obsession an Addiction put simply...AN INFATUATION!!!
i havnt even scraped a quarter of the pics i have...for that matter the scroll bar in the folder BARELY moved!!!! i could go on forever!!! my infatuation with this girl overpowers anything in this world!!!
im gonna stop with the pics for now because its making the page load tooo long and PLUS...looks like im kickin' ur ass sloaneclone!!!!
we started with a battle, and NOW ITS A WAR!!! IM GONNA END IT!!!
Kristin Kreuk FANATIC!!! Its an Obsession an Addiction put simply...AN INFATUATION!!!
i was having a browse through my kristin kreuk folder and found these pics!!! she is sooo hott even OFF stage!!! WHY IS SHE SOOO GORGEOUS!??!?!?!?!? special mention to the pic when shes on the phone...SLOANECLONE shes talking 2 me!!! ahha