"A love story played out against a backdrop of political and religious upheaval. At the end of the Second World War, 38 year-old career soldier Gian Singh resigns his commission with the British Indian Army and returns to his childhood village, near the border with Pakistan. Haunted by the memories of war, he seeks a quiet life of farming, solitude and prayer. His peace is shattered in August 1947, however, when India is granted independence. A new border is drawn between Hindu-dominated India and Muslim-dominated Pakistan, and the region is torn apart by massacres fueled by ancient animosities. In the midst of one such massacre, Gian finds Naseem, a 17-year-old Muslim girl, and takes her under his protection. They gradually find themselves drawn to each other but, as their remarkable story plays out, the obstacles to their happiness prove all but insurmountable."
I was going to make a thread about this just a second ago, luckily i didnt because there is one already. I saw the movie a couple of hours ago and its so sad and beautiful. KK suprised me. She playes her character Naseem exellently. Love the whole love story. Its just beatiful. To be honest i didn't know if she could pull of an Indian because she is Asian but she did it. Such a great movie.
hmmm i really wanna see this movie because ofcourse kristin is in it, BUT im just a little sceptical about how she is playing a pakistani woman as she has no resemblance to that culture at all!!!
BUT shes gorgeous sooo who cares!!! AHHA
i hear that the movie is pretty good, but like full on emo, and depressing!!
Kristin Kreuk FANATIC!!! Its an Obsession an Addiction put simply...AN INFATUATION!!!